My name is Erin.
If you didnt already know that, get out.
i kid.
I <3 playing ultimate.
I'm a runner.
But I'm not 'real fast.'
At all.
My game is distance.
I'm a PK.
But I don't live under a rock.
I'm German, Irish, Scottish, and French.
I'm a freshman {again}
I graduated 10th of the Richards High School Class of '08.
I'm in Jazz band and Concert band.
I can play 6 different instruments. four of them fluently.
I want to learn to play bag pipes and violin.
My life=My music.
My music=My life.
I love exploring new bands and music genres.
There is a song for every occasion. ask me sometime--i'll probably be able to sing it for you.
I love going to concerts.
Mosh pits are awesome.
I wish i could fly.
With wings. like Archangel from x-men. not just in a plane.
I like to step back from a situation and think about everyone else's mental or emotional position.
It keeps life interesting, trying to see things from someone else's point of view.
Sometimes i think i'd really like to be a psychiatrist.
But then i think i'd probably just end up needing one for myself.
I'd like to be a paramedic.
I am a missionary.
I'm usually pretty laid back.
I'm kinda random.
It keeps things interesting. You should try it sometime.
I can be somewhat of a perfectionist.
If you tell me you're better than me because you're a boy and im a girl, i will have to kill you.
I dont generally care what other people think of me.
I'll try to keep a good image, but you can't please everyone. and i have little desire to.
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." ~Dr. Seuss.
I have mastered the art of procrastination. In fact, im practicing it right now.
I am one of those nerds who actually really likes to read.
I do not drink or smoke.
I get along with my parents.
I am absolutely in love with thunderstorms.
I am absolutely in love with God.
Jesus is my homeboy.
I do not like math. Someone needs to shank trig.
I love debating with people who actually know what they're talking about.
I want to travel. anywhere and everywhere.
Open field, pitch black sky, countless stars=my utopia.
I love the cold.
I do not like hot weather.
or the sun.
Burning leaves/wood is the best smell in the world.
I want to join the Air Force.
Mostly because planes and rockets are pretty much the coolest things man has ever made.
I'm going to jump out of one someday.
I want to go to space.
My friends are godsends.
I owe a lot to Salah for saving me numerous times. mentally and physically. (strange jumping-from-Zac's-roof incident...don't ask lol) thanks buddy.
I could not ask for a better team to run with, or to play frisbee with.
Thank You.