Anything that out wits Attention Deficit Disorder. Jacky and all jackets
A clone of me, David Attenborough and a clone of David Attenborough. .. width="425" height="350" .. a special period of time I missed
I love music of all kinds for all different reasons.... and indie-stoner-rock- grunge played with the sophistication of an experienced heart. My favorite part of a band is usually determined by the character of the singer's voice... e.g Kate Bush, bob Dylan, Morrisey, and Cliff Richard. I don't approve of Cliff Richard's drum and bass phase!
I've got to say... as I crouch here with a dear old friend mr Pillow wedged inbetween my back and the corner of the door frame (an odd position to be sitting in and start of a blurb about movies, I know) inadvertantly listening to my friend in the background test his vocal cord ability, which I might add is getting marginally better. The clock reads at 23:59, and as one day dies out another is born, out of the unexplained blue it dawned on me that out of all the movies, films, documentries, t.v progs, music videos and all the rest of the visual media which has affected our lives and changed the way we view things forever, the Lord of the Rings trilogy and anything with Arnie have made me the sponge loving hound-dog I am today. I'm sure I'm not alone here. Does anybody remember Red Sonja? A marvel of a movie!
No. No none for you........... you've had yours.
The Karma Sutra 1 & 2. Currently reading 'A short history of nearly everything', which I might add is a mind blowing read and contains terms such as plate tectonics, genome, relativity theory, big bang and particle physics. What? The worst book I ever read was not finished. Oh and 'the Alchemist' was a heart warming read and was down-loaded into my head at turn of a new era in my life. Does Chico still have Craig's 'Doors of perception'?.
I've never really properly sat down and gave this real consideration, well, here goes. The Chambers 20th Century dictionary's definition is as follows.. Hero: "A man of distinguised bravery". Well for me the answers is simple, mum. My mum is the man of distinguised bravery. As for Heroes that aren't related to myself are anybody who picks up a snail that is crossing the path and puts it back out of harms way. Anybody who picks up a piece of rubbish that somebody has thrown on the floor and hands it back to the perpetrator and says in a helpful voice "Sorry, I think you dropped this." Anybody who stops for a street-fundraiser. Anybody who earn't the right to be deemed a hero.