AztecSun-SilverMoon profile picture



About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 ( MOON moon phase info

My Interests

Taking a break from myspace
don't know when or if I'll return.

I'd like to meet:

My Saguaro plant~ it was only a foot tall and now its 6 feet
and continues to grow stronger and taller every year!

Artwork by (*)~0~(*)~0~(*)~0~(*)~0~(*)~0~(*)~0~(*)

Stressful day?
Kick back, elevate legs,
close eyes,
visualize paradise.
Hand poured, Plumeria scented soywax candle.

Please click on photo to find out more.






A few of my favorite books
Bringers of The Dawn
(teachings from the Pleiadians) by: Barbara Marciniak
Marry Summer Rain~ all of her writtings.
children of the matrix by: David Icke
(be careful of this one it can shatter your illusions)




There was a women who wanted to be free
free from the pain of her illusionary plain
at night when she would rest her eyes
butterflies appeared behind closed eyes
she found herself upon a magical plain
far away from her illusionary pain
her heart would sing as her wings set her free
free to be what she realy wanted to be
early one morning as she opened her eyes
she spread out her wings and she began to ~Fly~
By Diana





Water The Great Purifier

Nature in all her beauty~mystic

~Who We Really are Mystic Beings~




My son Daniel



Our dreams are they reality or illusion


With out darkness would there be light


If we had a fresh start would it cleanse
our hearts.







* *




Visit Mission Indigo

Pleiadians~Do u Believe?



War is necessary
Cellular phones do not harm your body
every child should have one!
Microwave ovens do not destroy the nutrition's of your food
Fluoride is good for you
Artificial sugar substance is healthier
The Media is devoted to telling us the truth
Society is not being monitored
we are being protected
Micro chipping is for the safety of our pets
our children
our convenience
Ignore your feelings, your intuition
your inner guidance
only believe what you are told
what you are shown
filtered as it may be
I'm delusional
I'm psychotic
I'm out of touch with reality
quick give me some anti-psychotic drugs
before I completely


and brake these chains of Bondage


My future calls out to me
which path do I take

This first step I begin with hesitation
I feel the coldness of my fear
And then I remember
as a smile dances across my lips
The future is my canvas
waiting for me to create

I now feel the warmth
for I hear the direction of my path
my path, my future, is all up to me
I shall paint my canvas
with beauty
with love
with all possibilities
in gratitude for what I have
in joy and delight
knowing that dreams are given for us to create
their reality.


My Blog

Plumeria scented Soybean Candle

I love candles, I have them burning all the time.I have decided to put some of my freshly made candles on line along with my jewelry.The soy candles come inside a gold tone travel tin, nothing really ...
Posted by AztecSun-SilverMoon on Fri, 18 May 2007 12:07:00 PST

Law of Attraction It is not your work to make anything happen.It's your work to dream it and let it happen.Law of Attraction will make it happen.In your joy, you create something, and thenyou mai...
Posted by AztecSun-SilverMoon on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 08:26:00 PST

Mirror Reflections

A day may feel like an eternity and yet the years seem to fly quickly. As I peer into the mirror reflections of my youth smile back upon me. My appearance seems to have changed as I look at my reflect...
Posted by AztecSun-SilverMoon on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 11:25:00 PST

Mayan Prophecy's

Click on photo~Click on photo~Click on photo~Click on photo~Click on ~*~Time To Awaken~*~Time To Awaken~*~Time To Awaken~*~Time ...
Posted by AztecSun-SilverMoon on Sat, 13 Jan 2007 08:18:00 PST

Welcome 2007

Brisk cold winter air fills my lungs as i walk through ice crystals of white beneath my feet~my mind dances on reflections of the past as i continue to walk~stronger and prouder~for i have survived an...
Posted by AztecSun-SilverMoon on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 07:47:00 PST

upon this cold dark winter night

Hot is the summer day as its dewy liquid lays upon my summer skin of golden brownbeads of moisture gather to rest upon my lipssalty liquid upon my tonguethe earth caresses my body as the blades of&nbs...
Posted by AztecSun-SilverMoon on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 07:34:00 PST

Good Morning World

Good Morning World~ It's me, Diana, ready to start a brand new day! Its around 6.30 am and I'm listening to the radio station, " the drive "  groovin to all the old tunes, yes that's what I said,...
Posted by AztecSun-SilverMoon on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 05:08:00 PST

New Website New website under way~if you would like to take a peak
Posted by AztecSun-SilverMoon on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 10:26:00 PST

Mermaids Return

Moonlight waters of the sea greet me as I leave behind footprints in sandsof white.   I feel the coolness of the water as I gazeout into the skyMy soul is dancing as I watch vivid colored fish ...
Posted by AztecSun-SilverMoon on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 01:10:00 PST

Getting "Crazed" I love designing~but the web is truly another challenge for me to conquer

Welcome to my little corner on the big web. I have been designing jewelry for a few years, it had developed sooooo slowly. It was to maintain my sanity while my hubby sat glued to the tube, yes anothe...
Posted by AztecSun-SilverMoon on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 09:37:00 PST