If yoU LooK inSiDe a GirlS HEaRT YoU'Ll See HoW MuCh She ReAlLy CRiEs, YOu'll EvEn Find hidden LiES EVEn SeRcEtS YOu'Ll FiNd EveRyThIng If U juSt LooK DeEp DowN InTO A sWeEtGIrlS BrOKEn HEARt...♥ BUt She'll sTill LOvE YoU...Torn INTo PieCEs
Game provided by: DressUpMyspace.com
♥ LoVe ♥ wHeN U LoVe sOmeOnE u Can TeLl BuT U LiE..AbOuT It...WHeN Ur In LOVe WiTh SoMeOne EvErYOne ElsE CAN TeLl...,I wAnT To FaLl FoR U BUT, I DoN't KnOw If YoU'Ll CatCh Me......♥,I FAiNTed While I sEen U SMilE For tHe FiRsT TyMe...,My LiFe Is NoT CoMpLEtE UnLeSs U ARe My OnlY OnE....,KiSs,,KiSs SuCkA,YoU ShoULd OF ♥ JUst AskEd Me Out...♥, _______________________"Your eyes can melt a thousand icebergs, Your smile can brighten the darkest days. But most of all your love for me will always make my day___________"I can't have the one I love, but the one I have I don't love. __________ "Love is like a gentle rose which grows within my heart; therfore you are my rose. ___________"Love me the way you would treat a rose. _____ "It doesn't matter who you love or how you love, but that you love. __________ "He means so much to me. I wish he only knew, because when I'm around him the sky is a different blue and when he talks to me, my kness begin to shake. The last thing I want is another heartbreak. But when I try to talk, I just don't know what to say, because I know he doesn't feel the same way.
my hero.. umm...i would have to..say.. my family they have been here for me since i have got here...i love them all..even when we get in agruements..i still.love them..