Ink, Guitars, Art, Movies, Culture, Travel, Silly People, Burlesque, Fine reading material, Boglins, Longsleeve Button Up Shirts, A good pair of Rockin jeans, Pink-Cheeked Weather, Madballs, Oreo Cookie Crumbles, Cave Man Commercials, Tallying Me Banana's, Knuckles, 4, 5, & 6's, A good game of "Gorilla's in the Mist", Rachel Harris, Biting off more than I can chew, Fucking up fast and picking up speed
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The Movers. The Shakers. The Twisters. The Shouters, and Anyone who can enjoy themselves, make me laugh, have goodtimes, keep me preoccupied(in the good way...however you may take that), and anyone who can appreciate Pina Colada's and getting caught in the rain.... Not to forget, Eddie Munster and SAM from beauty and the geek
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Horror, Cult, Documentaries, Comedies, Kids Movies persay up the alley of Addams Family, Hook, Monsters Inc., and Brit-Gangster like Snatch, Layer Cake, and Lock Stock. You will even find a copy of Chocolat amongst my dvd's, but fuck you! it's not like I cried during the Notebook or anything. wimps.
The Critic, Family guy, Arrested Development,Black Books, Married with Children re-runs,No reservations with Anthony Bourdain, Scrubs, Comedy Central, Upright Citizes Brigade!, Danger 50,000 Volts!, Are You Being Served?,Rex the Runt, Passport to Europe, Ace of Cakes, Unwrapped, Myth Busters, Travel Channel, Discovery, History, FOOD Network...This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5
Christopher Moore, Chuck Palahniuk, Kurt Vonnegut, David Sedaris, Glen Duncan, Tom Robbins, Max Brooks, Mark Haddon, Amy Hempel, Anything Gil Elvgren,"Sorrows of Young Werther" by Goethe, Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, "Ulysses" by Tennyson, "Othello" by Big Willy S,Lemony Snicket, Art, Erotica, Photography, History, Odds and Ends.
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All the tough bastards that went through everything before me. The Musicians, the Tat Artists (R.I.P Sailor Jerry), The Working Hard-life Hard-luck crews & my brother's for showing me the ropes of life.Nick Naylor is smooth! The last great prophet, Bill Hicks! ..