OK, so people are bugging me to put something about myself up here. Which makes sense on one hand, since one really wouldn't join one of these things if they didn't want people to know about them. On the other hand, these requests are coming from people who know me, and as they all know, my life is pretty much an open book (and oft-times a book with waaaaay too much information) to them. For the benefit of those who haven't had the pleasure of getting to know me yet, my life can be summed up as long, strenous periods of intense scientific study broken up by brief bouts of binge-drinking. That may sound boorish of me, but you try studying the urination patterns of rats for 6 years and see if you don't need a drink or two. In fact, I dare you to read my publications and not need a drink yourself (or at least a nap).
My friends, many years ago, saw fit to nickname me "Bull", for reasons that became strangely prophetic but unknown to most of the people who actually knew me. I include it here because if you met me anywhere other than work or way back in high school, its probably the only name you actually know me by. And to be honest a lot of times, I'm freaked out by that....like after the time a girl turned me down for a date because she could never see her name ever becoming "Briana Bull".
I'm sure I'll get into my hobbies and likes and dislikes and all that either in a later heading or in my blog, so I really won't get into them here. Instead I'll give you some little known facts about me:
1) I've recently been offered a deal to write a book entitled "10 Habits of Highly Intelligent and Boring People"
2) Phil Collins and I are genetically the same person
3) ever since a rat bit me in the lab I've had super powers that I've been hiding from my friends by wearing glasses.