I have so many where to start, there's sci-fi-fantasy books All things mystical and magical and vampires.
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I'd like to meet.....I'd LOVE to meet Peter Steele(the lead singer of Type O Negative), personally I think he's hottest most beutiful man on earth!!! My husband would disagrethough! My children are 2 and 7yrs.http://photobucket.com/image/glitter%20icons%20or%20gli tter/ajb1219/Flagglitter.gif?o=597 http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://refineme.org/s tuff/t13-4/sailormoon.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.refineme. org/2006/08/&h=427&w=300&sz=108&hl=en&st art=1&um=1&tbnid=YwSntdw0g6CaJM:&tbnh=126&tb nw=89&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dsailormoon%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%2 6rlz%3D1T4ADBF_enUS260US260
I listen mostly to heavy-metal,hard rock..music along those lines and country....kinda funny huh?
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My favorite movie of all time is My Fairlady(the one with Audry Hepurn)Love Her! I also really like the Lord of the Rings movies
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and all the Harry Potter ones to...
I like alot of different kinds of shows,Good Eats(sometimes I wish Alton Brown or I weren't already married),NCIS,CSI,Surface,Invasion,the Carol Duvall show,Medium,
I'll tell you about my assortment of books but I'd need a card cataloge for that. So I'll tell my author, my favs are Anne McAffery,Piers Anothony...I've got pretty much everything they've written,and all the Dragonlance books......just to name a few.