My Gorgeous 5 Year old Son- Fashion- SHOPPING- Having Fun (ANYWHERE)- Music- Astrology- Camping- Going to the Beach- Hanging out with friends- Enjoying good people- Good times- Going to new places- Meeting new people- Trying new things- & Taking risks (it's a new philosphy :))
D Delightful
R Relaxed
U Unusual
C Cute
I Influential
L Legendary
L Loud
A Adventurous
By DollieCrave.Com
FATE has a way of throwing people in your life when you need them. Sometimes people come in to your life for a reason and you don't know why...
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Anything that I can dance to (I love to dance).I like all kinds of music (with the exception of country- I can't stand country) Sorry!!!
Anything Reality- Although I don't have anytime for TV anymore.
Anything educational... I am not really into fiction, it doesn't hold my attention. Maybe I have ADD :)
My son, People who have made an impact in my life and anyone who touches my heart...