Radio, Music, Radio.....ummm Radio, oh yea, and teaching. Did I say Radio? For give me, if you can't tell, I work in RADIO!
Hip-Hop, Rock, Pop, Country, R/R-tone,gospel, Hip-Hop....umm Oh yea, cant forget about Hip-Hop..."color: ff0000; height:1; Filter: Glow(Color=00FF00, Strength=5)""If it ain't Hot Boy, it aint HOT."
Cruel Intions (don't get any Ideas...)
Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Lost, Lost,Oh yea, did I say LOST?
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Batman. The only SuperH. that keeps it real. He does not fly, spin webs, and will from time to time lose a fight...""