Orkut & MySpace Glitter GraphicsAnthropology, Mythology, Archeology, Metaphysics, Feline Deities and Transpersonal Psychology
You scored as Bast. You are connected to Bast, Egyptian cat goddess, and goddess of the moon. Daughter of Ra. You are connected with joy, pleasure, music and dancing, and the moon.
Ix Chel
Green Tara
Those on a similiar path of evolution, love, light and empowerment.
Star Wars IV, Star Wars V, Star Wars VI, Star Wars III, Rock-n-Roll High School, Blade, Lost Boys, What the Bleep do We Know? Family Guy, Casino
I have better things to doIMVU - The World's Greatest 3D Chat
Sacred Sounds, The Encylopedia of Goddess and Heroins, The Archtypical Cat, Harry Potter
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Jack "Whiteside" Parsons- co-founder of JPL
Orkut & MySpace Glitter Graphics