so, what you wanna know?
I have my very own sence of humer - no one but me and myself laugh.
I'm very, very clumsy , my hair never stays in place, and I spill things all the time.
I have more guye-friends than girl-friends, but the girl-friends are my best.
My nick-name is TOMBOY
I'm not sporty , though I trye to be
I can't dance, so I..
I've skated for 2 years now, no hope. but I say, never stop trying
skiing is GREAT fun
I give up easily, but only in things I don't like - ALOT
I'm never feminin. My style is baggy , and I freakin like it that way. so stop trying.
I burp
I don't care what you think, unless you say I'm something that I'm not
I'm a WORSHIP leader in my church, and It's my life! I enjoy it more than anything
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