Well shit if I were to sit here and try to explain all of my intrest in life it would be considered a biography so heres just a little to get you bye, I have been snowboard'n for about 14yrs. used to teach at a little mountain back home. I've only wakeboarded a few times but do to the board'n background I picked it up quick. I moved to Cali. following a dream & its been intresting yet incredible, so to sum things up I would luv to meet ladies that have a sensational lust for life!!!-
people with good opporunities and pretty ladies who like fast county boys !!!!just plan good people.. the women of my dreams, duh...
All kinds no need to be specific.. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Tenacious D - Fuck Her Gently -- .. height="265" width="320" .. Video code provided by KEKAI BOY
outsiders, snatch, ect...
outdoor channal for dirtbike updates. comedy central cartoon network movie channels
mouse on the motor cycle is only book iv ever read. Ha Ha