What is music? Is it about naked bodies, drugs, how fine or how skinny you are. I thought music was about the talent, the art, the feel of it. Before you buy a song, are you checking to see how they look first? Usually you just want that song you heard on the radio or in a friends car, you don’t know or care who it was. To me, music is like Life. I guess that’s why my name means life. Everything to me in life is or could be a song. Music is about feelings. If it don’t move you to feel something, then it’s not real. I like music like in that day that made you feel like crying, dancin, making love or it made you feel like taking a long drive to no where, made you believe in yourself or your creator, it made you feel you weren’t alone in your situation. I don’t know what happen to that. It’s like the REAL singers, the industry doesn’t want or except and it is so sad.............Music will always be in me, if only a few people hear my music, I hope that my music made that few feel something. I feel sometimes like if I were skinnier or prettier I would have got a record deal by now, or that maybe it’s not in God’s will, All I know is he gives me the talent to write and arrange my songs, although the genre is not "Gospel", I know that he has put the words in me. Support Independant artist ya’ll, if you see a young brotha or sista in the street asking for $5 or $10 to try and raise enough money to get them selves out, if you have it, give it to them. I try whenever I have it to support, because I know what it feels like, even if the CD was a dissappointment, I feel good that I supported them because I know what it is like have a talent and a passion for something and no one to help you get it out. It’s like being trapped in a jail, and you can’t release your passion and everytime you try to step out, someone like a "Warden" always comes to knock you back down or to fog your dreams. It’s like my song "Free, Me". I wrote that song because I was stuck on a job where I was unhappy and mis-treated and my life passions lead me to believe that that was not the last stop for me and I had a higher calling to be somewhere else doing other things and I can’t get free to do those things because chains are blocking or holding me back or doors are being slammed in my face. Can I just be real with ya’ll for a minute?.....Some people, a lot of people in this world do not want to see you do better than them, even if they don’t even know you. There are a lot of HATER’S in this world that actually want to see you do bad, that don’t want you to excel because they feel you may leave them behind. That’s a case of wrong thinking. Could it possibly be that maybe if you are blessed to succeed, you may pull them up with you. Not everybody is selfish. I know that I will never forget those of you who have believed in me, supported me, uplifted me or those that didn’t support me or help me, because it all just pushes me to do more and fight harder to reach my life goals. If I never reach Worldwide success, I seek to FEEL "worldwide success" within my self through conquering my life struggles, hardships, dissappointments, pains and mountains that I successfully climb. If no one else believes in you, you have to believe in your self. You are all that you got in this world, besides the Lord God Almighty who made you. Never forget that. "Always remember where you came from, who you are and who made you!"..... Your history is what defines you, sculpts you and molds you. You cant get to your future if you don’t make it through your past. Learn to FORGIVE those that hurt you, no matter how bad it was. The key to everthing is Love and Charity. Love is so powerful. Let’s LOVE one another ya’ll and not HATE on one another. We all need love. Even those Bullies in our life need love, we just got to find a creative way to show our love to them. And by Bullies I mean things like, that slave boss on our job, those ones that turned they back on you when you needed them the most, those bills we can’t seem to get down, that sickness we can’t cure, that man or woman that brings you down, what ever your bully is, learned to forgive it, love it and/or move past it, even me........There’s nothing that God can’t fix with a lil mustard seed size of faith. Those things in our life that cause us pain can be like a growing bacteria or something, trying to take over your mind, body and soul. Don’t let those pains make you, they can break and overtake you, (Wrote a song about that), I’ve been there. My heart is so filled today ya’ll, I’m just being real real right now. I’ve been through so many things in life that I just let it all go in song, and maybe it may let someone else out there who thought they were the only ones going through, feel some sense of hope or make them feel good for that 3 or 4 minutes in the mist of their trouble or maybe remind them of an old great memory. Make them feel something. I hope to one day share all or many of my songs with the world one day, if I’m 55 and 300 pounds then, I will still try to make it happen along with my other dreams in life. Without a dream or a goal or love, what else do we have to live for. If you want to go to heaven, that’s a dream or a goal you have to work on reaching. I know I’m working on it it daily. Everyday Stiving for perfection. That’s all we can do, only one being is perfect, and that definately not me.....whoever just read this, I’m just having a passion moment, I don’t even know if it all made sense, don’t really care too much. ;O}.....I just got tired of the same ole BIO on here and wanted to write something REAL......What ever you do in life ya’ll.....make sure you do it with PASSION. If you don’t feel it, ......NO BODY ELSE WILL! The Definiton of PASSION= A powerful emotion or appetite, Ardent or Burning love, strong desire, boundless entusiasm...Wheew! that’s DEEP ya’ll. DO IT with PASSION. GOD BLESS!!.............Now back to the old boring bio of you know who. :o}. Love Ya’ll!
********Started out at the age of five behind the scenes with training consisting of church choir, school chorus, and band, and has now blossomed into an angelic voice without any formal training. She is an aspiring artist, writer, and arranger with great potential to follow in her brothers footsteps (Artists, songwriter and producer, Jamie Jones, who is lead singer of the multi-platinum selling, grammy award winning group, ALL-4-ONE.) Her goal as an artist is to have a long-lasting career in the music industry as a universal artist and songwriter who appeals to the young as well the more mature adience. She Wants to bring back that old-school, soul sound like in the the Motown era, when music was about the music, lyrics and talent and not about the skinny, Half-naked body selling sex to our children. Keep the real Music alive!
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