..This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor V2.5
What the future holds is a fuckin mystery but as of now i prefer reading way too much history books and finding time to drive to Quebec. In the interim i read and find work, which in the buffalo area sucks even with 2 degrees. Even if the rapture comes and summons me to hell, i will find a television or radio to listen to the Buffalo Sabres. I really like drinking, not to get pissed faced (which happens!) but to enjoy company and ease out. Spending time with my friends, because we work/drink/chill together everyday somehow. Being polish, Dom Polski ya bastids. My family is very special, im proud of my brother who is gonna make millions of dollars doing something he is extremely good at, all my genius cousins who make me look like a special ed child and my parents who are by far the coolest and tightest mother fuckers around.
Dumping Kielbasa grease into the street on Xmas eve. Shaving my head and wearing combat boots is exciting to me.
But im most proud of the person who never turned her back on me and will follow will to the ends of the earth, the girl who watches over me when i am lazy or make dumb fuck decisions. The reason im gonna be a canadian citizen! My quebecoise rock star AC. I got alot of layers, some are geniune and passionate, some just don't want to be fucked with, either way, there is no way a person can be described on a stupid website. Hopefully in the next few years i will be teaching history in some Quebec high school with 2 BAs and 1 MA under my belt. Its good have the people i have in my life...