I love my PC,games,photoshop and books.Check out my burgeoning DevianArt here: jason-haynes.deviantart.com
You and me in a different dimension.
Everyday, every place, every song played in my head and every beat I feel is a rave or praise. Its part of who I am. Its in my blood and in my soul. I don't mind it.I love eccentric music. I will not follow what is popular, but I will follow the feeling that music gives me. I have been in love with electronic music since I was a kid. I just didn't know what it was called then. I know better now.
My movie interest is unique I think. Trainspotting- Lock Stock- Snatch- A Clock Work Orange- Dark Crystal- Labyrinth- Never Ending Story- Sunshine- Event Horizon- Hitch Hikers Guide- & oh so many more.
I don't watch a lot of the tele. However, when I do I enjoy a bit of these.Red Dwarf- Scrubs- MXC- House- Three Sheets- Beer Nutz- & a few I can't recall when writing this.
Uncle Tom's Cabin- Moby Dick- Dune,the series- The Flinx series- Red Dwarf I & II- A Brave New World- Lord Of The Flies- Journey to The Center of The Earth- The Never Ending Story- 1984
Not so much heroes but rather people I really look to for inspiration or guidance.Joe Canfield (This man has shown me more and impacted me greater than any other person on earth apart from my own father.)Bono (I admire him for taking his status and always using it to impact or help humanity. Most people fall through the cracks of fame and fortune)I guess that it is for now. Most people don't impress me too much. I just see them as they see me I guess.