About Me
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Dream for me.
I'll dream along with you. <3
I think I found someone else to believe in. Myself.
In life I find that the greatest things can just move you like a feather falling from the sky. It surprises me how something so small and simple can pull you in. At first you may not recognize it, but that feather, somehow managed to make you want to just reach out and touch it. You can either catch it or let it float on. Remember this though, feathers don't always fall right in front of you.
Take the Long Route
The future holds more truths than you know. Romancing with what truth you knew, is just a fools game, but sometimes it's nice to be foolish.
Jan. 10th, 2010
Lana was here!
Hi there. This is the ever so infamous Lana here to spit up some good stuff about my dead ole' friend Marvin Jimenez. Me and Marvin? Oh..we go way back to elementary school. I remember the first time he ever spoke to me too! I had cafeteria duty this one day, and I was throwing some food into the compost, and then I threw the napkins into the garbage. And his smart mouth went and listed things that were decomposable, including napkins. LOL. I didn't like him for that because I didn't like it when people told me what to do and what not to do! Heh, but later on, we actually had a few classes together. He was hella nice! He used to give me piggy back rides. Okay, no..I used to jump onto his back and yell "Piggy back rides!" into his ear. Yeah, I was an annoying piece of shit, but Marvin's hella cooooool because he took it like a man! Yeah, so his loser butt went to Denman Middle School after we graduated from elementary school, and I went to Aptos. Guess what got us talking to each other again though? YEAH, YOU GUESSED IT! MYSPACE! LOL, yeah so now I stay texting Marvin, or IM'ing him, or random messages/comments through myspace. Last time I kicked it with him I believe was the summer of '07. Yeah, with Victoria Crucena and Kevin Leung. We went to Stones and went hella clepto, then went to the beach. Good times..good times. Yeah. Marvin's awesome, even thought I have very few memories of him. He's one of the randomness persons I know. Oh well, he's cool, and you're not if you're not his friend. I love you buddy! ♥ -ANAL
Want a Quicky?
Anni: Weird
Arnel: Quiet
Ben: Marvin
Brandon: Jiggly
Carmen:hot haha i meant gay>]
Daniel: word
Danielle: funny
Elaine (SB):undescribable.
Jenny: Cheezy
Kevin Choi:Dumplingfaced
Melissa: nasty pierce
Michelle:superdoooooperawsomelycool (:
Victoria K:WeirdCrazyUnique.
Raymond: Big
Regina: Calm
Sheryl: Neutral
Tiffany: FABUJAE
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