~InStIgAtOr~ profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Hey... This is Kalsy. My friends call me Kals, up north, Dick, Clay & Raymond call me Princess Simon, & Kyle calls me Dickie... Don't ask long story... I am in basketball & track they are so much fun :)... I go to school at PL, kinda lame but it'll do... I have the gr8est friends anyone could ask for... THANKS GUYS:)... I live on a farm, YEAH that's right, I'm a hick haha... I say YA'LL and YEINS & I get picked on for it from the BOYS UP NORTH... I love to go 4-wheeling with the boys and Britt (LOOK TURKEY!!!)... haha fun times there... umm I love to go huntin and fishin it's the best :)... well that's pretty much it..get at me @ kalsyjean10 =)

My Interests

Basketball, track, boys, shopping, riding 4-wheelers, hunting, foooood =), baby-blue trucks, fords, flirting, swimming, football, fishing, camping :) (Britt), Cog Tutor, cheating for Britt on Geometery tests, Cheddar Point hehe...

I'd like to meet:

Myspace Layouts at Pimpyourdino.com


Pretty much NETHING!!

Myspace Layouts

Eminem Lyrics ..


Action :), horror, comedy...pretty much anything


Next, Pimp My Ride, Parental Control, Room Radiers, Two a Days, Sweet 16 ..."MTV"..."VH1"...


I don't read


Both of my paps, grams, my mom, my dad, n my sister
K Kinky
A Awesome
L Loud
S Sassy
Y Yummy
By DollieCrave.Com

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