High, i'm Jessi.
I don't like stero type people.
I'm very confident in myself.
Annd i'm just trying to change
some old habbits.
Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long.
We keep moving foward, opening up new doors and opening new things, because we're curious... and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.
-Walt Disney
Love is the movement.
Take me on an adventure. :]
I want a guy who won't mind if I eat more than him,who listens to all of my long,pointless stories, who won't mind my sarcasm, who shouts all of my favorite songs along with me, who can talk to me about anything and everything, who isn't too shy to hold my hand or hug me, who knows I act crazy and weird sometimes but doesn't care, who laughs at my stupid jokes but then tells me that they were stupid, and who tells me I'm Beautiful, not hot.
- Pretty much just classical rock. :]
"One good thing about music,
When it hits you,
you feel no pain."
-Bob Marley
The Note Book, With out a padddle, The wedding planner, Jackass 1&2, Freedom Writers, The Texas chainsaw massacure, and many more!
the Bible.
My mom.
Bob Marley.