my interests lik i said before is Music.. i love to sing, write, make beats, play the keyz, beat da drumz, but most of all sing in the mic giving all da glory wer its due. to my heavenly father.another thing is if u are wit me. u kno my favorite color is orange. yes i do love orange everything. even got a orange fone. but lik i wuz sayin if u ne wit me den u kno i love cars to. so if we walkin down the street n i see a orange car plz dnt be surprised if i stop everything dats goin on jus to tell u dat dat car is sexy.. cuz trust n believe i will.. n i wont feel bad bout it either.
who would i like to meet?.. datz a gud question i would lik to meet a lot of people but if we get personally i would lik to meet my dad. if u kno my siuation den u kno why. its jus alot of gapz thats open da i would lik to fill in. n i think if i wuz to meet him it would change alot of thingzView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
number one show in the world is "One Tree-Hill". den come Family guy, yo dey is str8 retarted!. i love scary movies but its one movie dat i cant not take which is "i see dead people" jawn.. n recently i jus found out dat it might be real or dat stuff lik dat can happen. Bul u must be trippin!!!.. so dat movie is out da question.. but everything else yea bul bring it on..
Ok to me completely honesty.. i dnt lik to read.. now i do now how to but i jus dnt lik to. i only read wen i have to.. yea yea dnt hate me i kno its bad. yes i should read everyday yes i dont.. but hey im me and me dnt lik to read ya digg.!! But der is this one book wer i write everything in at and its wit me at all timez whether at skool, home, friends crib its wit me wen i sleep damn it. lol. ard maybe not all dat. but do u have dat one thing dat really important to u.. well my song book is important to me lik dat. its my life. everything dat goes on wit me is in dat book. i would say its lik a diary but wit beats. u kno i try to get one of friendz to write in it but she be trippin.. dnt worry she gonna write in it be4 its all ova. but umm i be thinkin its time for a new one but i jus love it so much iono wut imma do.
well first i would have to say God cuz with out him nuttins possible. but my trues heros are my sis and bro. yes yes we fight but if you do kno my siuation u understand wer im coming frum. i give all respect to dem and i love dem with all my heart.i think i have sum other people in mind dat lik a hero to me. i would have to say a couple of my friends.. NO HOMO!!.. but umm lik all i have timez in my life wen i wanna give up and wen im weak.. but lucky for me i got friendz datz my family dat stay strong and bring me though wuteva it is. i kno i can alwayz count on dem. matta fact imma share sum storiez.. KEENA- well my friend keena even tho der is sumtin really wrong wit her and she alwayz try to be homo. wen it cum dwn to it i kno i can count on keena. if der sumtin botherin me as soon as we get on da gud gud el she is all earz. i mean she listen to me even wen i say the same thing ova n ova n ova again. she is rite der for me. she mite even give me sum gum if im lucky or buy me a 50 cent hug frum da donut shop.. but diz homo/str8 jawn is der wen u need ha most. plus she a Biggummm. SARAH- plz dont get me started on diz child. i love ha to death tho she my freakin homie. i cant tell u how much we been threw. she is a true rida. i kno i can go to her bout anything n she got my back. jus her company makes the whole room lite up. cuz she jus so dumb. but no matta wut i kno she gonna ride for me till da end.LARIA- laria is my freakin best friend!!!.. me n her been threw it all. and we still goin on strong. cuz we have dat connection. no homo. but its da truth. she kno everything without me tellin her. she knoz all da codez fo everything. its scary cuz nobody really kno me lik dat. but her either she read my mind or wut she can tell everything n datz gud cuz sumtimz i jus dnt wanna say nuttin. but laria my number one bestie for life ya digg! DAWN- AWESOME!!.. Dawn Dawn Dawn.. sumtim wrong wit da gurl. she alwayz eatin or sleepin or readin eww!!.. but weneva i need her i can go rite to her.. i dont kno wut it is bout her but wen i talk to her it like im care free bout everything.. all da stress go alwayz n im jus talkin to Dawn.. wut i really love bout her is she alwayz got da right thing to say even if it makes me mad she tell da truth. n dat i lik. all i kno is i cant say diz bout many but wen eva i need her im jus a txt or call away. MY BIG SIS FOR LIFE!!!.. DANI- well well me n dani be goin threw it alot but we alwayz cum out friends till da end.. u kno even tho she lost dat gud old ipod of mines we still gud.. datz also my homie for life..