Photography, Writing, BellyDancing Reading.. Those are my main interests..
This is my bad boy I take my pics with. ♥
Ph33r m33
I tell secrets to squnks.
and if you don't know what squnks are......
you don't know anything.
i have the most amazing jealous... ^^
i love eyes.
so if someone comes up to you and just stares at your eyes for a while......
its probably me.
i talk to myself. not as much as used too.. :)
i'm athletically challenged. crazy?
i reallylike:
dancing in the rain in my underwear
cory it's more of a "i really love" i should make another box... :3
cooking for two people..
being told im beautiful even though i think i'm not.
my eyes.
people with perfect teeth.
when i just so happen to creep you out.
laughing for no reason.
Weird creepy things
my best friend. chelsea.
my morning coffee and afternoon tea.. wait..
do i even drink tea???
confused people.
skipping rocks that are really big and don't go far.
wriggling my toes
walking around without shoes
the color blue
the way sand feels between my toes
driving on rumble strips on the highway.
laying down on soft grass and looking at the sky.
laying down on the middle of the road...
other such risks
driving next to semi trucks.
sleeping in cars.
chewing on...stuff.
ripped jeans
wearing my hood up
late night drives in the summer with the windows down.
walking at night with no particular destination in mind.
wearing other peoples clothes. people i know...sickos...
Big Hoodies
picture taking
extreme body modification.
when people write me notes
when people draw me pictures
french fries and frosties
spontanious plans and moments
falling asleep outside
skinny people
shiney stuffs
being lost.
i dislike:
the word bitch even though I use it extensively
the "N" word
awkward silence
seeing crispy worms on the sidewalk who didnt make it across successfully.
being alone
being yelled at
sleeping alone
being left out.
not knowing the answer.
when i cant get ahold of someone. even if it isnt important.
when makeup stains pillow cases and sheets.
dont ever hang up on me. i will go fucking insane.
crooked teeth.
eraser crumbs
riding the bus
being tickled. to the point i can't breathe just dont do it.
when people go in my room.
peeping toms.
when batteries run out
when you can't find something when you look for it, but finding it when you look for something else
dry chicken
when you run out of gas in your car and don't realize thats the reason your car stopped moving.
Amber is SEXY!!! :3 J/k. But really, leave a woman some lovins...
I've watched quite a few movies, though not too many... I like em all..
I'm in korea.. not much television
The Empire of the Wolves; Eragon; Eldest; LOTR Series; Clan of the Cave Bear Series; Dragonfly in Amber; Beauty Beast; Kushiels Dart; Blue Like Jazz; Eclipse; New Moon; Twilight; White Horses for the King; Spindels End; The Harry Potter Series; Holes; Walk Two Moons; The Catcher in the Rye; The Giver; Romeo and Juliet; Macbeth; Shakespear; Blood Stone; The BFG; The Witches; Goosebumps Series; Go Ask Alice; Star Split; T*witches Series; **More to come i can't remember all my favorites right now...**..
My best friend in the whole world. :) If it wasn't for her i probably wouldn't be where i am today. She helped me more than she could ever possibly imagine. I love you chase!!!! She has been there through thick and thin, the hard times and the good times. The tears and the smiles. She's been there through it all. I miss you so much!!! A whole year without seeing her has been killing me... She is a sister to me. Blood couldn't bring her and i closer together in this twisted game called life. I miss you chelsea marie. I'll be home soon.