EvErYtHiNg!!!! lol
! Ok i really do love you, even though i tell you i hate you.lol. You have been my back bone for the last 5 years. You have always been there for me and always wanted whats best for me. We have the best time together. Theres not enough words that can thank you for all the happiness and memories you have brough in my life. I have got soo much respect for you. You will always have a place in my heart. I miss you so much when your away. I hate your job,lol! I wish you were here wit me 24/7.i love you more then words can say. i would never do anything to make you feel any other way. Wow baby, we just started a new chapter in are life. We bought home a new baby girl, jail nicole white. It is just the begaining of our big family to come.lol. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us, i just know it will be great. I love you to death and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
~I LiStEn tO JusT AboUT EVerYthInG~
Comedy, and Horror/Scary
The ReaL World, American IdoL, VH1, Dr.90210, Basketball "..5 Go CaRds
Celebrity Biogrophy's oh and Gossip mags.
your daddy!