For the past year Forever Wednesday have been stretching to obtain clarity within a whirlwind of what could be called ‘collective schizophrenics’. Interpret this statement how you will, but before you cast a decision and throw in the towel, allow their music to justify the latter.
We are about music, not looks. We find most superficial comments cringworthy. If you like our tunes, sweet, if you just think we are "buff" then jog on please. Not interested.
Next onto the Rockstock stage was Forever Wednesday, who engaged the crowd well - a wall of death even appeared halfway through the second song, We Never Win. They had great distinction between the vocals, with Sam leading the songs, and guitarists Matt and Alec providing the backing vocals. Crushing guitars, pounding drums and commanding bass made this a great set.
To Our Fans
We would like to thank each and everyone of you, for without your individual contributions none of this would be possible. We’re always highly grateful to see old and new faces coming to our shows! We are doing our best to bring our show to a town near you!Thankyou xMerchandise
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