(3/01/09 update: Added new photo under Wrestling.)
I'm a fun-loving individual with a great sense of humor. Life is just too important to take it too seriously. (I do take relationships seriously...).
I'm a graphic designer at a statewide newspaper (Photo Editor, Layout Artist) and I also freelance on occasion.
What else? I'm single, never been married, no kids. I'd like to be married someday and have kids, but it has to be to the right person. Better to be single than be trapped in a bad marriage.
Oh yeah, I'm a UCF graduate, a Florida native (seldom seen in the wild) and have been living in the Orlando area for more than half my life.
Tattoos? Nope, not my style. If I ever do get a tat, it's gonna be done to an internal organ during a surgery, so that it only shows up on X-rays. That would be cool. It would probably say, "If you can read this, you're too close." Piercings? Just my heart. Several times. Ouch.
My heritage is Hungarian on my mom's side and German, French and Belgian on my dad's side. My mom's father came over from Hungary as a boy in the early 1900s and married a Hungarian-American. My dad's side of the family was in America prior to the Revolution and the brother of one of my ancestors was a surveying partner with George Washington when George was a young man.