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About Me

Im a 24yr old 100% Dominican mami who is a very very proud parent of a little boy. I love my son to death he is my number one priority and da only man in my life dat gets me to do almost everything he wants. I love to stay home wit my family and relax I work a lot so take advantage of my days off. I also love to go out dancing even though I don’t do it that much anymore I guess cuz im getting older. I mostly work and take care of my son but i love to have fun. Im in a great time in my life now im have don’t have to much worries and im thankful for everything I have my family my son and my husband, my house a job to go to everyday and a life that I can make better a everyday and I thank god for all of dat...
Name: Marcia
Age: 23
Birthplace: Dominican Republic Baby
Birthday: 12/08/83
Current Location: Tampa
School: NewTown
Eye Color: dark brown w/ contacts light brown lol
Hair Color: dark brown
Right or Left Handed: right
Shoe Size: 8
Skin Type: dark skin
Single?: 100% happy to be single
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
MCDonalds or Burger King?: mcdonalds of course
How many pairs of shoes do you own?: to many to count
Do you smoke?: nope
Have you ever stolen from a friend?: nope
Do you do drugs?: nope
Do you drink?: nope
Do you shower daily?: of course
Chocolate or Vanilla?: chocolate
Do you want to get married?: yes on day
Do you want to have kids?: already have 1
Future Job: own my own business
Favorite Sport: dont have one
Do you get sea sick?: nope
Do you believe in yourself?: yes most of da time
Do you think your attractive?: very
Do you like thunderstorms?: love dem
Do you sing?: nope
Do you play an instrument?: nope
Are you a health freak?: nope
Are you scared of the dark?: sometimes
Do you get along with your parents?: most of da times
Sibblings?: yes
Pets?: 2
Number of Tattoos: 1 soon to be more
Number of piercings: 6
Number of Cds I own: dont know
Style: very fashionable
Fruit or Vegetable: fruit
Short or Long Hair: medium
Best Friend: Vanessa
Coolest Friend: all my friends
Prettiest Friend: all my friends
Weirdest Friend: Yamily lol
What would you like to get pierced?: my nose
Have you ever stolen from a store?: yes
Have you ever been kicked out of a store?: nope
Have you ever cheated on your boyfriend?: nope but i should've
Have you ever turned down a dare?: yes
Have you ever kissed a boy on the lips?: a few times
Own a stuffed animal?: a couple
What grade are you in?: not in school thank god
Number of past things your regret: nothing now I know everything happens for a reason
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Orlando 92% Compatible ♥ Marcia and Orlando have been romantically-together for a long time. That alone demonstrates a degree of compatibility. Similar personality descriptions are a plus. They both abstain from drinking, so that helps compatibility. Their astrological signs are in harmony, which is a plus. Their common love of animals is another good thing. And their views on children are similar. Both are sexually-uninhibited. Overall, Marcia and Orlando are highly compatible. They are capable of having a beautiful relationship together. ♥

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