I love live music, walking in the rain and thunder, being out in the countryside or coast with my dogs, landscape photography, chilling out with a takeaway, and a dvd or getting together for a brew and a laugh with friends. I love to walk on a beach or in a forest during stormy weather....i could sit and watch stormy seas for hours. I still love to jump into puddles, or run into large piles of leaves in the autumn.Prefer countryside over town, animals over people, chilling rather than sulks, honesty over politeness.
I have finally become comfortable with myself! I actually quite like myself, which is good as I have to spend the rest of my life with me.
Music....most rock music. Ac/dc to Bluehorses, Saxon to Shooglenifty...all kinds.I live on my own, have no kids, its just me and the dogs,and some dust.
DISLIKES......snobbery, politicians, wine experts, tinned boiled tomatoes (the Devils testicles and should be wiped off the face of the planet)liars, , lack of own space, ironing, gobby violent drunks, rap music, jazz, and the term...LOL, also hate arguements....ive a very good temper and well laid back...what else...oh yeah, women who are full of themselves....theyre sooooooooo boring and need a good slap up the bum with a pickled Badger.
Stone Gods - You Brought A Knife To A Gunfight Rehearsal
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