Vegas in November... Fun Times!
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Honolulu Marathon -In Hawaii Kai
"Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn your house, you can never tell."
I heart GNOMES!!! I have a sick obsession with jeans and swim suits. oh yeah... I'm the Chapstick Queen.
family portrait
Nice Juggs Karl
aren't we a cute couple?
friends gnome matter what
Sierra, Lake Tahoe
Pretty Woman, i 3 huckabees, Lilo & Stitch 2, Mean Girls, American Beauty, Monsters INC, Madagascar, Ferris Bueler's Day Off & As Good as it Gets
The OC, Grey's, House, and Orange County Housewives (i know im sick)
Memiors of a Geisha, Eat Pray Love, Travel books, Germ books, Intermediate Macroeconomics...etc
kim & scott the latter part of the night was a blurr... few drinks too many
Hard Core Ice Cream eaters In fris-ko.
D & B
100mph winds
My Favorite Way