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About Me

About me, huh? Ok, what is there to say? Alright, first of all, I'm a member of Liechtenstein's most kick-ass rock'n'roll band: The Dolores , in which I play the guitar and sing the backing vocals!
Basically we spent most of the last 6 months in studio recording our debut album. We're keeping our fingers crossed for it to be be mixed, mastered and put on CD within the few next weeks. So keep eye open for that!

What else?! I'm a sucker for coffee. I really wake up only after 11, even if I get up at 8. I get cynical when watching the news. I don't like hair-dressers (no offense!). I'm a recovering catholic. I can easily not drink for months, but once I get my hands on Tullamore, it's over (my guilty pleasure). And I suffer from G.A.S. (Not what you think! The "Gear Acquisition Syndrome"! Just fucking google it!).

As you probably have guessed, I'm heavily into music. Rock music, that is. (Although there's good stuff everywhere, if you just look closely enough!)

Ok, if I haven't scared you away by now, you may now officially leave me a comment. But be nice - or GET THE F*CK OFF MY LAWN! ;-)

My Blog

They got the guns, but we got the numbers!

The anti-G8 ralleys have been going on for a few days now already, including massive, creative, and peaceful protest, but unfortunately also long and severe riots. Especially the events in the norhter...
Posted by on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 06:06:00 GMT

The leaders of the world

Ok, this is kind of important. It got nothing to do with music, though.Here, I decided to post a few pieces of information that I feel have impact the lives of each one of us. I know, it sounds pathet...
Posted by on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 05:57:00 GMT