This layout was carefully designed by FoxLucky . Do not remove this credit!
!~bOut A gUrL~!
[♥]EvErybOdy CaLL mE nAnA[♥]
[♥]iM 15 DiS yEaR[♥]
[♥]LiVe iN A tOwN CaLLed EypOh,pAy-rOxx[♥]
[♥]My SkEwL nAmE iS SMK GuNuNg Rpt[♥]
[♥]LiViN' iN A pLaCe cALLEd tMn pAnOrAmA[♥]
[♥]iM LiViN' With My dAd[♥]
[♥]My mOm hAd pAsSed AwAy WhEn i wAs 10 yEaRs OLd[♥]
[♥]i hAvE A SiStA',3 BrOthEr & A cUtE LiL' SiStA'[♥]
.:My LifE iS tErribLe:. .:tOtALLy A DisAstEr:. .:SiNcE hE cAmE iNtO My LifE,it's gEttinG bEttEr:. .:bUt,y ShOuLd i dEstrOy it??:. .:sUmtimEs,it hUrts WhEn hE's dAmn bZ:. .:iM fEeLinG aLOnE AgAiN & iM StArtinG 2 fEeL thErE's sUmthinG WrOnG:. .:iS it hiM Or iS it mE??:. .:iM sO cOnfUsEd:. .:i NeEd hiM sO bAd:. .:bUt hE dOeSnt hAvE MuCh timE 4 mE aNymOrE:. .:hE Left mE aLOnE AftEr MidNitE:. .:i knOw hE's bz With hiS jOb:. .:bUt,i jUz cAnt tAkE it aNymOrE:. .:EvErydAy,iM hOpinG hE'LL nOt gOnnA 4gEt mE:. .:LOvinG mE As sAmE As nOw:. .:trEAt mE As aLwAys hE did:. .:StArinG mE As mUch LOvE iN hiS EyEs:. .:iM sOrry,BoO:. .:i cAnt bE perfEct:. .:i cAn OnLy bE mE:.
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