into design stuff :: photography ::luv hears+plays+creates+composes music :: luv 2 hang out..:: luv 2 sleep... :: SMS,chickss.. :: PC.. :: internet stuff.. :: Luv to jam n banging:: bla..bla..bla
my family::my beby::my fwenzies:: n those who wanna make moneymoneymoney~View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
U.N.I.V.E.R.S.A.L = there r no boundries in music..u should accept sum1's music n is not an easy stuff to do...every art is precious!+I Luv Classical, Jazz n Blues damn much!hear,play,produce MUSICK... ++ Play Guitar,Bass,+ li' bit of Drum n keyboard eager to learn to play sittar n sape!hohoho
can't be listed!too many larr...
anything appear in front of ma eyes...
those books on Designs,Music,cars,Fashion,Education+Comics
Prophet Muhammad S.A.W+My Dad