Analogy Answers Accents Abstraction Apocalypse Balance Bali Hai Blood Bros Books Boomerangs Beach Coronas Crazy People Common Sense Complexity Chupacabras Coastal Oceanography Customers Center of Universe at Warner/PCH, or Jack in the Box Change Celestial Bodies Deserts Deja Vu Didjeridoo Desalination Enteleche the End Exceptions the Future Earthquakes the Flood Fields Fencing Forbidden Fruit Fairness Foresight the Freeway Fundamental Attribution Error Feeling Gravity Garen-Plots Halo Healing Half Marathons Magnetism Mexican Jumping Beans Insanity Instincts Judo Jumping off of Bridges/Pier Juctice Knowing Kindness Kids Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis Lasers Life Lude Girls Magic Mushrooms Memory Mercy Motive Nonsense Ninjitsu Orbit the Oceans Orthodox Jews the Past Police Polarity the Present Plants Prediction Projection Plants again because Perception Prophesy PHILOSOPHY Questions Relaxing Reading Rain Repulsion Particle Religion Rays SCBight Self-fufilling Prophesies the Secret Simplicity Scuba Smoke Signals Snowboarding Snow Sun Sensibility Skyfish Swimming Subtlety Team R&B Tsunamis Time Travel Thoughts Taboo Umlimited Distance Unlocked Doors Universal Model of Universe(Refer to Nick Sullivan) Worldliness Words Wood Volcanos Voodoo Ying/Yang Zombies Zen ZuluAll very interesting things to me.
Someone above the crowd, someone whose seen or feels the same, someone prepared to lead the way and, someone who would die for me................and a Peacock Manta Shrimp, so I can kick its ass.
I can hardly begin to fully appreciate it. It arouses a deep sense of awe within me. Same with books, someone took the time to make this so I could enjoy it. How can I repay them?Splendid!
Add to My Profile | More Videos"Thats cruel, but who wants to meet meat?"
I used to have the best video on here called "They Are Made of Meat," by Terry Bisson. Find it, I challenge you.
My job is to kill if you forget to take your pill"Of what that know, hide nothing I will."
I cant read:AIM... The ScaramoucheIf you are accessing this site from any country or locale where independent thought and/or self-determination are specifically prohibited by law, GO NO FURTHER.Always remember FTD, zombies or no zombies.friendship's terminal duty: n. 1. A sort of almost always unspoken promise between true friends where if someone is bitten by a zombie, a real friend will kindly murder the doomed person in order to help him avoid the fate worse than death that is shamblorhood. Nothing could be more pure or true. Frequently referred in acronym form as FTD.Ex. "James and I managed to get the fire-door closed and locked. I noticed a bite-wound on his left hand. He trembled for a moment, then reloaded his pistol. He handed it to me, and a tear rolled slowly down his sooty cheek. We'd been friends since the fourth grade, and now I had to perform friendship's terminal duty."2. A flower delivery service. Yes, that's right. They deliver fucking flowers. Not only does that completely drain the blood-prong, but one must ponder a very important question: Can there possibly be something more worthless in a world that faces certain destruction? I mean besides religion?"To fool yourself, is to be doubly fooled, as the denyer is often denied the truth." Moral: If you hate liars, dont force people to lie to you. Just come to terms with the truth.
ZINEDINE ZIDANE Steve ZissouIm ahead, Im a man, Im the first mammal to make plans, yeah. Im at peace, with my lust, I can kill cause in God I trust, yeah. Its evolution, baby."Locke's out in the jungle killing stuff. Who knows where he is."Terry Bisson - They are Made out of Meat David Belle