Lackey who is but the function that follows what profile picture

Lackey who is but the function that follows what

I don't know but I've been told, When the music gets down in your soul, It makes you want to lose co

About Me

body { background-color:000000; background-image:url(' ayouts/0004.jpg'); background-attachment: fixed; backgroun

My Interests

ThE aVeRaGe GuY tHiNgS sUcH aS cArS, mUsIc AnD cErTaIn HaNgInG oUt AcTiViTyS tHaT i CaN't PuT iN wRiTiNg. Oh AnD gIrLs!!!!!!!!!

I'd like to meet:

I'lL kNoW wHeN i MeEt ThEm AnD wHeN i Do I wIlL lEt U kNoW uNtIl ThEn DoN't FuCkIn WoRrY aBoUt It Lackey --

Visually addictive

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at


AnYtHiNg ThAt HaS tHe AbLiTiY tO gO kAbOoM bOoM!!!


MoViEs ArE sO tOtaLlY aWeSoMe DuDe!!!!!


It Is MaN gReAtEsT InVeNtIoN!!!!!!!!!!!Free Myspace GraphicsFree Myspace Graphics


BoOkS aRe AwEsOmE eSpEcIaLlY rEaLlY rEaLlY rEaLlY rEaLlY rEaLly rEaLly rEaLlY rEaLlY rEaLlY rEaLlY lOnG oNeS!!!!!
Have You Ever...
Been on a train: YeAh
Been on a plane: YeAh
Caused a car accident: YeAh
Run into a wall: YeAh
Burned a potato chip: BuRn
Been drunk: HeLl YeAh
Been high: So HiGh
Broken the law: AbSoUtlY
Burned a cd (if yes, the one above is a yes too): AlOt Of ThEm
Kissed someone of opposite sex: MoSt DeFiEnLy
Kissed someone of same sex: HeLl No
Frenched an animal: FuCk ThAt
Had an .. relationship: It WaS vErY tExT oRiEnAtEd
Loved: DoN't KnOw
Made yourself cry: YeAh
Cried in public: YeS
Cried over a movie: It WaS VeRy ToUcHiNg
Fallen asleep in a movie theater: YeAh
Been to a boarding school: FuCk ThAt
Been home-schooled: WhY wOuLd U?
Lost a valuable item: So MaNy
Bungee jumped: BrInG It On
Skied: Oh YeAh
Met the president: YeAh He WaS pOlItE
Met a celebrity: YeS
Gotten a cavity: YeS
Made a prank call: LoTs Of ThEm
Skipped School: On SeVeRaL oCcAsIoNs
Faked sick to get out of school: AlWaYs
Bought something you knew wouldn't fit: AlL tHe TiMe
Climed a tree: YeP
Fallen from a tree: It DoSeN't HuRt
Broken a bone: NeVeR
Sprained anything: YeS
Passed out: SeVeRaL tImEs
Made yourself pass out: YeS bUt FoR gOoD rEaSoNs
Been to Disney World: It WaS mOsT eXcElLeNt
Been to a theme park (not disney): LoTs Of ThEm
What kind of racer are you?

You know how to get people's attention. You keep a fair mixture of looks and power close to your side.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
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AlL hErOeS r To Be FeArEd AnD rEsPeCtEd EvEn TwEeTy!!!

My Blog

Unable to Breath

how come everytime that girl your head of heels for walks in to the room and you find yourself unable to breath! yet even though she causes you pain you love her for it! yet for some illogic...
Posted by Lackey who is but the function that follows what on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 06:12:00 PST

How Do You Say Something You Never Thought You'd Say

HoW dO yOu SaY SoMeThInG yOu'Ve NeVeR sAiD bEfOrE?tO sOmEoNe YoU nEvEr ThOuGhT yOu'D wOuLd EvEr SaY iT tOo?WhEn Do SaY wHaT yOu'D nEvEr ThOuGhT yOu'D nEvEr SaY?hOw Do YoU kNoW iF yOu MeAn WhAt YoUr Th...
Posted by Lackey who is but the function that follows what on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 06:18:00 PST

In the works roadtrips next summer

I would like too go to either one one of two place next summer by car for most of the summer 1. San Dieago, 2. New york.  Directions to san deago 1:Start out going EAST on E 5TH ST toward BRAZOS...
Posted by Lackey who is but the function that follows what on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 11:23:00 PST

Finally someone steped up!!!

Its about time someone steped up and put my face "even though its a pic taken like three years ago" on here so props go out to my friend Laura for not only put it on here but also in trickin...
Posted by Lackey who is but the function that follows what on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 09:15:00 PST


U know what iam going too move i don't know where but anywheres better then where iam at. I just can't take it anymore every where i go in this state i can't get away from people i know its like they ...
Posted by Lackey who is but the function that follows what on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 05:01:00 PST

My Face

Ok here the deal if i get enough comments from uu guys telling me to put my face on here i will but there is a catch depending on how many comments i get will depend on how well  u can see my fac...
Posted by Lackey who is but the function that follows what on Wed, 17 May 2006 04:54:00 PST

Bowling isn't that hard

HAHA I have done it i have thorwn a left hand hook for a strike and iam right handed. It did hurt though i don't think my left hand was ment to bend like that if i can get my spare avg. up i c...
Posted by Lackey who is but the function that follows what on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 02:01:00 PST


If AnYoNe WaNtS tO cHaT wItH mE aNd NoT hAvE tO dEaL wItH tHe LaG oF e-MaIl HiT mE uP aT ktonslackey oN aOl InStAnT MeSsAgEnGeR iF iM lOgEd On My SpAcE iM oN aIm Or JuSt MeSsAgE oN mYsPaCe AnD lEaVe Y...
Posted by Lackey who is but the function that follows what on Sat, 04 Mar 2006 02:33:00 PST

my stuff

MY jet black guitar and jet black drum set hail from the dephts of hell they where born from the blackest hates and the souls of past great musical kings.
Posted by Lackey who is but the function that follows what on Sat, 25 Feb 2006 03:21:00 PST

My car

My CaR sUcKs SoMeThInG eLsE wHaT i HaVe KnOw IdEa, It Is ThE uGlYeSt PiEcE oF sHiT tHe WoRlD hAs EvEr SeEn AnYoNe WaNt ToO BuY iT?
Posted by Lackey who is but the function that follows what on Sat, 25 Feb 2006 02:51:00 PST