First a shameless promotion for my band...
I love music: writing it, listening to it, discovering new bands. I've been told I'm a music snob by more than one person (though I really don't think I am, but I'm not going to get all excited about the new Radiohead just because everyone else is). In fact, I think about music more often than I care to admit.
I'm also a computer programmer. If I'm not thinking about music, I'm prolly thinking up a new program to write, which, in almost all cases, is a music writing tool of some sort, so its a bit of a mortal coil.
Now I know what you're thinking "my God, this guy gets no SUN and outside stimulation". Oh I do, I'm not the type to hole up for too long without sharing time with friends, most of whom I've known for a decade plus, those types that get your jokes almost before your done quipping it...anyway, I digress...
Me: I'm friendly, though you wouldn't think so at first because I tend to wear my think skin when I meet someone for the first time, dunno why, I'm just introverted that way. What else? Oh, I tend to side to the left, sorry Republicans, I just believe in equal rights for humankind and separation of church and state, it really is that simple.
Well, there is certainly more to write about myself, but its a bit difficult without feeling all vain inside (You're so vain, I better you think this "About Me:" is about you...)