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I'm not now nor have I ever been in the military. I'm a girly girl. I love shopping, cloths, perfume, looking nice. I'm an insurance agent. Need a quote? The only reason I like to go to baseball games is to watch people get drunk and loud --- more fun than it sounds. I like to do yard work so I can see the finished product. I haven't ridden a bike in years but I liked to when I was a kid. My sister taught me how to ride a bike and how to swim - the hard way. I am a certified scuba diver. I love anything chocolate and would most likely eat a chocolate covered bug if dared. Even though I would act like I didn't want to, curiousity and the fact that someone thinks I can't would make me do it. I like watching stand up comedians that are clean because they are more clever but I watch dirty ones too. If I won the lottery, I would go back to school, open a home for wayward teens and donate my time to helping the needy (and shopping...for cute shoes...for the needy, of course). I love old architecture; buildings or homes that haven't been destroyed and replaced by parking lots or crappy Choice homes. My daughter and my sister are my two best friends. I love thunder storms and the free water that usually accompanies them. My middle name was my great-grandmother's first name and is my daughter's middle name too. I love to travel (five countries so far), read, play DDR and shop.I also enjoy making ginormus mistakes.
People who live by this mantra.************************************************ ************************************************
Sublime, No Doubt, Alice In Chains, Van Halen (before 1984), Mozart, Guns N Roses, Squirrel Nut Zippers, Alicia Keys, Toadie (now defunct), Pink .. Queen, Heart, Big Bad Voodoo Daddys, Wheatus, Ozzy, Shawn Mullins, Linkin Park, Primus, Matchbox 20, Beatles, George Winston, Garbage, Liam Lynch, Poe
Princess Bride, Good Will Hunting, As Good As it Gets, anything w/ Jack Black, One Flew Over the Coo-coo's Nest, Dog Fight, Young Guns, Stand By Me, Stuck on You, Pulp Fiction, Shaw Shank Redemption, Young Frankenstein, Mommy Dearest, Ferinelli, The Green Papaya, Amelia and My Big Fat Greek Wedding
I don't watch anything on a regular basis but I do DVR The Office, My Name is Earl and Two and a Half Men. I'll watch pretty much ANY design show.
The works of Jane Austin, Charlotte Bronte, DH Lawrence and Edith Wharton. More specifically, Pride and Predudice, Sense and Sensibility, Jane Eyre, Lady Chatterley's Lover and House of Mirth. Those are my favorites, but I'll read just about anything...
God - He makes all things possible. Lolah - she loves unconditionally.