Sportsfan! Extras: doodling around, sketching and drawing... poetry, cellphone, relaxing, the beach, hanging out with friends, long talks with coffee, music- collecting, tripping, singing, get togethers with relatives, movies, game systems and youth ministry
you... maybe... hrmm.. i'll think about it.
Pop, Jazz, RnB, here and there country, Funk, Rock, Alternative, Trance, a lil' bit of Hip-Hop, Ballad, Musicals (i love 'em), Acoustics, Dance, House, Hiphop, OPM rocks!
Phantom of the Opera, LOTR(3logy), Matrix(3logy), Chronicles of Narnia, Superman movies, Hero, House of Flying Daggers, The Notebook, If Only, Pirates of the Carrib, RENT, gospel of John, StarWars... much more... hehehe =D
The WORD, Last Time They Met, Four Loves, Memoirs of a Geisha, Harry Potter series, LOTR, Chronicles of Narnia series, God's Little Lesson for Leaders, Screwtape Letters, Da Vinci Code, Vinegar Hill, Mere Christianity, Case for Christ, Pilot's Wife, Heart of a God Chaser, One Thing You Can't Do in Heaven, Under Cover, What Happens when Women Pray...more