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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a cost engineer by trade. For the past thirteen odd years I've been working my way round the planet building anything from power stations to telecoms stations to railway lines. I've managed to spend time in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Germany, England, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Korea, America and Thailand.I am an avid collector of original comic book artwork and I also enjoy classic cars and waterskiing.I've recently begun writing comics for a publishing company - MAMTOR publishing - and couldn't be happier. My job is relatively mundane but this give me an artistic outlet once I'm finished for the day crunching numbers.Currently I live in a holiday resort near Bangkok, Thailand. It's called Pattaya and it's regularly described as the adult Disneyland. The place doesn't suit me much but I enjoy working in different places around the world and it's got better weather than Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan definitely.When I'm not here I like to be in either London with my friends or in my home in Zurrieq, Malta. It's a quiet little village where I think I'm the only one under 80 years old :) Seriously though it's where I am the happiest, I am fully relaxed when I'm there and it pains me greatly that I've not visited in almost a year. I used to get there every six weeks :(

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