surPriSES, lETterS, nEoprinTs, pictureS, cHocnuT, naChos, sleeping, PUCCA STUFFS, chickeN... and moSt d of ALL........... tO sLeeP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyOne !!!!!!!!!!! ----------------- f u Wanna be maH frienD, just add mE uP! --------- [email protected] tnX guyZ! c",)
R&B, acOUstics, ALternatiVes, poP............ moSt of my Fave Song aRE..... THANK GOD I FOUND U, INCOMPLETE, COME ON OVER.... EtC.....
mosTly ung mGA HorrOr fiLmS..... JU-oN, RiNG, bsTA ung mgA un! a waLk to rememBer, bridAL showEr, hoT chiCk, tHeRE's So maNy more buT i caN'T rmeMbeR ..... soWee (",)
tagaLized cartOOns evrY moRning, liTTle LULu sHow, feaR factor, American idoL, XposeD, PUccA anIMatiON, MYx, cinemA1, totaLLy spICe
i doNt reAd boOkz anywaY.... i loVe reading teEn magaziNes... mAYbe arcHIteCturAL bookZ are INteresTing tO reAd
no OTher ThAn GELO, eddy (tekken) . hehehe