Alexis profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Myspace Layouts's life? I'm Alexis....a 27 year ol' down-to-earth country girl, thats now living the REAL COUNTRY life in freakin ALABAMA. I don't really like it here, but ay, its all about how you make it.... I'm a college grad, going for that second degree 'n got big hopes of making my mark in the Criminal Justice field.......And although, I miss my friends 'n family terribly back in VA, I don't mind making new ones.... just do me a favor 'n come at me with some intelligent convo. :o)

My Interests

...I'm into a little bit of anything and everything.

I'd like to meet:

I'd love to meet my Grandfather Kenny..........


I love Neo-Soul and any Smooth R&B.


Donnie Darko is the BEST movie ever!


I love Everybody Loves Raymond, Bones, House, Ugly Betty and *drumrollplease*.....Veronica Mars!!! :o) She's the coolest chick out there in tv land is my ultimate role model, lol..


Anything by Patricia Cornwell.... she's the best crime novelist out there.


Of course God himself... but I never thought that my close second would be my Dad. We've always had a rocky relationship, only becuz we're so much alike, but he's my ultimate hero... he can do anything! He's sorta like Superman, MacGyver and Tim the Toolman Tayler all balled in ONE!

My Blog


Have you every found yourself coming to the point of no return?  Finally, realizing the various things you felt you were burdened with, should have been of no concern.  I've found myself r...
Posted by Alexis on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 10:13:00 PST

Charles Wallace

Friday nite, I was awaken by a horrible dream that someone had kidnapped my mother and killed her..... Saturday nite, I was awaken by a horrible dream that someone had shot me....although, fighting fo...
Posted by Alexis on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 07:57:00 PST

Night School

I just got out of my night class.... my stupid, makes no sense, information that I'll never use the REST of my life, Biology class.  Please, I ask of you, why is it necessary that I take Biology ...
Posted by Alexis on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 08:12:00 PST

Sucks being bored on Memorial Day...

I'm so bored.  It's a beautiful sunny day outside 'n what do I do... I decide to sit 'n play on myspace for a few precious minutes.  Unfortunately, a few precious minutes turn int...
Posted by Alexis on Tue, 29 May 2007 04:33:00 PST