futurism, speculation, architecture, postmodernism, sprials, the _why_, non-mimetic cultural production, theatre, dissolution of the self, writing as social activism, confession, organic matter, skepticism, kites.
a rhetorical warrior, or girl number 2.
rashomon, ran, persona, witness for the prosecution, my neighbour totoro, all about eve, roman holiday, double indemnity, titus.
jeeves and wooster; pippi longstocking and pippi on the run (the swedish television series dubbed into english); elizabeth r; firefly; battlestar galactica; carnivale.
Wittgenstien's _Tractatus_; de Certeau's _The Practice of Everyday Life_; Eisenmam's _House X_; Bachelard's _The Poetics of Space_; Jameson's _Postmodernism_.
Elizabeth I.