Consequently By: Nicole WatsonConsequently I have began to find myself through the way of life, As each day goes by, I constantly think about the past and the future, Did I really live my life the way I wanted? Or did I just go about normally? Either way, I know there's somethin' I could have done to make it a little better, With each breath I take, Have I spoken positive or have I just let someone have it? I can't begin to think about the wrong that I've done, If I could just go back...but I can't! one can, All I can do is just pray and ask God to cover me and keep me strong, But then again...there's always that strong is my faith? How can I expect God to do somethin' and constantly ask him to do things for me when I have little or no faith? Isaiah 26:4 says trust ye in the Lord forever for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength If the Bible says this, why am I constantly doubting him? As long as I have the faith of a mustard seed...he will supply my needs.