Pam profile picture


love that luck to know each other

About Me

FrIeNdLy, UnDerStaNdiNg, sincEre tO My WoRds... I love everything that surrounds me ...I am not that in to music but I really love to listen especially when I'm down... most of my friends are boys so I really knew what boys does ha ha ha but ofcourse Im not yet influence by there sexuality but I admit that I am a sportie girl ( which makes a girl kind of boyish type)I love to play sports, any kind will do, I will not move out through it if you'll gonna invite me for a play... but in fairness of all I love to cook coz still Im a homie type of girl (in terms of cooking) but guess what I love to hangout with my friends... I love to go different places in short TrAvEliNg!!! the place where I really love to go ...PaRis... cause I have that dream one day When Time comes that I already have a FiAnceE I will tour him on france and will go their in Paris to see the EiFFel tower and on the restaurant there i'll gonna treat him for lunch dinner and what ever it so...that's my biggest dream for now hayyyyyyy....want to know more about me...Still open to YOU!!!

My Interests

FoOds, PlaCes, PicTures,

I'd like to meet:

PeOPle WhO KnOwS How tO aPpRicIaTe eVeN a LitTle ThiNgs In LovE aNd LifE...


ALtErNatIveS, RnB, RaP, sEntimEntaL soNgs (esp. when Im in Love and sometime depress it a girl thing...)


HorrOr..Love Story..War.. (I guess all movies but expected to be a nice one)


SuspensE.. LovE .. TerriFiying stories on BooKs