to all my friends and family i want to say thank you, i know i havent always been easy to deal with but you have all stuck beside me......... doug you have been my best friend for 17 yrs through good and bad through shots of cuervo and sks assault rifles.lmao. i will never forget that night. marci you have been in my life for 16 yrs through good and bad and we have always stayed very close, you know i will always love you and be here for you whenever you need me no matter what pussycat!!!!!!!!!!my brother gary thanks for giving a niece and a nephew that i love very much and would die for!!!! cierra keep up doing what you are doing you are making us all proudIM.aspx?friendid=52931166"
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Anything that makes me laugh. Wedding Crashers, 40 Year old virgin and of course Caddy Shack Just to name a few
G.I. Joe
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My heroes would include the men and women who serve our country everyday, My Brothers and Sisters of the U.S. Armed Forces and those 343 men and women who died on Sept 11th.