Milton Bradley takin' over Chatt-Town! profile picture

Milton Bradley takin' over Chatt-Town!

This is me....Take me or leave me the fuck alone!!

About Me

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PUT YOUR ABOUT ME SECTION HERE Me...About me? I'm AV that's all I can pretty much say to sum me up, for everyone who knows me!! To those who don't, I guess I'll give you a lil sample... I'm a hopeless romantic. I love spoiling whoever I'm with(my friends, family, girlfriend, even though I don't have one right now). If I have the means to do so... I'm a silly guy. I'm very playful. I love kissing. (That's to the women who love making out! I do too!)I'm SOOOOO fun to be around! Ask the friends on my list... So, You should get to know me. I promise you won't be disappointed. I'm not perfect. I'm nowhere near it. I'm not trying to portray myself as that! I make a SHIT LOAD of mistakes but I'm man enough to admit them. I'm adult enough to confront them! I'm cool. I'm a very playful cat. I have friends that I kick it with that help me be immature. I'm the best of both worlds. I know when to cut it on and turn it off. I'm a family man(No, I don't have any kids...Not yet anyways!) I'm waiting on the right woman to mother my children. I have a woman in mind...Plus I wanna be well established financially before I start my family. I'm also a unsigned R & B artist looking to fufill his dream!! I definately can sing. If you are curious and wanna check me out. Go to Hit me up...Leave comment on my page...add me if you like what you hear!! I'm also a frat boy!! I represent one of the smoothest fraternities ALIVE!!! Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity of America!! All Hail! OAS AAS LLS!!!

My Interests

Music....Music....Music..Performing, sports, being AV, recording, my friends, life and the obsticles it throws in my path, and Phi Mu Alpha

I'd like to meet:

Anyone fun-loving, anyone with a sense of humor, anyone who is willing to meet me and put up ith me...LOL I'd also like to meet anyone willing to get down on this music tip... I'm cool with whatever. Rock, Alternative, Emo, Country, I don't care. I love music and what I wanna do that much!! So, if you are a musician and you want to collaborate! Get at me!! Email addy is [email protected] or [email protected]...View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment




Anything with my boy Corey Diamond in it as Stuntman, My boy M-80 on the soundtrack, Me and Torris on the soundtrack, my boy DJ X Phak'der on the ones and twos!! Anything will Will and Reed being their usual selves!


Heroes, Sportscenter, Around the Horn, Pardon The Interruption, WWE, and anything with my boy Corey Diamond in it as Stuntman, My boy M-80 on the soundtrack, Me and Torris on the soundtrack, my boy DJ X Phak'der on the ones and twos!! Anything will Will and Reed being their usual selves!


NBA on MySpace


My family members are my heroes!!!

My Blog

Here we go again...

Most of my poems are what I'm feeling...Here we go...   I like youI want you to know thatI don't wanna keep bothering youI want to make you feel specialYou deserve to be treated like a queenBut I...
Posted by Milton Bradley takin' over Chatt-Town! on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 10:13:00 PST

Listen up people...

What up world? I was watching a movie today and it kinda put in a down mode. I usually don't let movies get me like this but this movie was different. So, I wrote a poem. This I think is my best ...
Posted by Milton Bradley takin' over Chatt-Town! on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 07:01:00 PST

Just maybe...

What up ya'll? How are ya'll doing today? I hope great!! I'm doing great! I've had an exciting couple of days...Pretty exciting! I've had fun!! I've just come to the conclusion that, "Good things come...
Posted by Milton Bradley takin' over Chatt-Town! on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 10:08:00 PST

I just wanna share some of my favorie songs!!

"Now That We're Done"Got to try my best to reach the lowest lowTo a place where no one goesIf you let me taste your soulI'd let you taste my funky emotionsAnd I'll cover you with meIn a pool of ecstas...
Posted by Milton Bradley takin' over Chatt-Town! on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 02:59:00 PST


Well, what do you say, I'm back again! Things have been crazy here for me lately. I have had some significant events happen to me. Yesterday I found out that my cousin was out cutting grass for my gra...
Posted by Milton Bradley takin' over Chatt-Town! on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 09:55:00 PST

I’m bored....

I think I know why I'm blogging so much! It's because my mind is running at like 250 MPH and I can't stop it. I don't know what to do! I've got soooooo much on my mind. I don't know how to relieve my ...
Posted by Milton Bradley takin' over Chatt-Town! on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:17:00 PST

Questions to think about....

Have you ever wondered if people were thinking the same thing you were thinking? What about thinking what you were thinking at THAT time? I wonder that all the time... Like is this girl thinking the s...
Posted by Milton Bradley takin' over Chatt-Town! on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 02:18:00 PST

I’m almost there...

Here's more.... Just Ride the Beat Baby ride this beat with mecome on and free your mindI know that you will love this rideIF you take the time...You see I've been looking at you Since I walked throug...
Posted by Milton Bradley takin' over Chatt-Town! on Sat, 18 Aug 2007 07:12:00 PST

I’m willing and waiting!!

"I Cannot Wait" I cannot wait for longTo hold you in my armsCoddle cuddle dandle fondleCaress embrace enjoy the charms I cannot wait for longTo taste you mouthfulSavor relish undergo understandTo fee...
Posted by Milton Bradley takin' over Chatt-Town! on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 01:56:00 PST

Men are stupid sometimes!!! Especially me!!

I've come to realize that men can be stupid sometimes...ESPECIALLY me. I fuck up a lot, but I never thought I would do what I did last night. I couldn't even sleep through all the shit that went down ...
Posted by Milton Bradley takin' over Chatt-Town! on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 03:01:00 PST