I have always been a very positive person who likes to see everything through rose-colored glasses. I try to see the good in everything and everyone. Some people say I’m TOO nice, but who wants a meanstreak anyway?
I grew up in Elida, Ohio and went on to graduate from Bowling Green State University in 2000, then got a job software consulting and moved out near San Francisco. I was been blessed with the opportunity to travel quite a bit in the US and to places like Germany, France, China, and Costa Rica because of my job.
I also took a break from working for a few months and backpacked through Europe with my fiance' Ken which was truly unforgettable and amazing. We moved to Portland, OR just to get a taste of the Pacific Northwest for a change, but "I left my heart in San Francisco."
Most of my family is still in Ohio although I have one sister (Alicia) in Colorado now. Being away from them has always been something I have been very torn about since I have been out here but I make a point to see them often. I have always been very family-oriented and my parents who have been divorced for over 15 years, have just started dating again! It has been one crazy year for the Ham Fam so far! I love my family and they mean the world to me. We all share the same off-the-wall personalities and when we get together, anyone around us has got to be laughing…or wondering what is wrong with us! ;)
I am also engaged to be married to my wonderful fiancé Ken. We even have a French Bulldog named Beans to be the flower girl! ;) I love them both very much!