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byron daniel

I am here for Friends

My Interests


"ESTA OBSESSÃO ESTÁ-ME A ROER" ROCK- captain beefheart, the clash, zappa & M.O.I, jimi hendrix, stereolab, the beatles, the stooges, velvet underground, tortoise, can, the pixies, the minutemen, sleater-kinney, bob dylan(early stuff only!), fiery furnaces, joy division, don caballero/battles, NUGGETS-era psych/garage, late70s-early80s Punk & New-Whatever, psych-kraut-space-rock, 'Noise'-Core (esp. Japan), some Indie-Freak Songwriters JAZZ- miles davis, ornette coleman, charles mingus, sun ra, john zorn, john coltrane, peter brotzmann/last exit, ken vandermark, ganelin trio, dave douglas, don cherry, rahsaan roland kirk, Bebop (pre65, before it got old), 60s BLUE NOTE, Thirsty Ear's Blue Series, NY Downtown, some Big Band & Third Stream BEATS- DJ shadow, public enemy, prefuse 73, sage francis/non-prophets, madlib + his many AKAs, the coup, old NINJA TUNE, DEF JUX, ANTICON, james brown, funkadelic, toots & the maytals, lee 'scratch' perry, mf doom NON-WESTERN/ENGLISH- fela kuti, nusrat fateh ali khan, tom zé e as tropicalistas do Brasil (e os baianos), lots of Indian & West African music ELETRONIC- squarepusher, mouse on mars, aphex twin, jaga jazzist, WARP, ricardo villalobos ROOTS-SONGWRITERS- tom waits, john fahey, muddy waters, howlin' wolf, Delta & Chicago blues, old british folk music, some alt-country COMPOSERS- stravinsky, reich, early-mid 20th century French & German composers, some minimalists


"ESSE FILME VALE A PENA VER DE NOVO" most of the Coen Brothers movies- Fargo, The Hudsucker Proxy, No Country For Old Men, O Brother Where Art Thou?, Barton Fink, Raising Arizona - are favorites. Anything by Stanley Kubrick - Dr. Strangelove, 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, Full Metal Jacket, Lolita - is a favorite too. also, Wings of Desire, Until The End Of The World, Mystery Train, Down By Law, Taxi Driver, Psycho & any Hitchcock movie starring Jimmy Stewart (Rope, Vertigo, Rear Window...), This Is Spinal Tap, Best In Show, Waiting For Guffman, The 3 Monty Python movies, the early Pink Panther & other Peter Sellers movies, Some Like It Hot, The Seven Year Itch, Waking Life, Before Sunrise, The Seven Samurai, Rashomon, Ran, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Ironweed (Jack Nicholson is the shit; like lots of his films), Get Carter, Alfie, Lost In Translation, Y Tu Mama Tambien, Casa de Areia, Nobody Knows, In My Father's Den, Goodnight & Goodluck, The Shawshank Redemption, Persepolis, Hiroshima Mon Amour, Le Quatre Cents Coups....i won't even begin to mention the many documentaries i think are outstanding and necessary viewing....


"GERALMENTE, EU ADORMEÇO EM FRENTE DA TELEVISÃO" cartoons on "adult swim" (Sealab 2021, The Boondocks, Family Guy, Robot Chicken, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, etc)... occassionally i watch the news, documentaries, movies and The Simpsons. once in a while I watch The Daily Show and The Colbert Report on YouTube


"VIRO AS PÁGINAS DESTES LIVROS COM PRAZER" Kurt Vonnegut, Ernest Hemmingway, Mark Twain, Jack Kerouac, Franz Kafka, Gabriel Garcia Marquez (and other Magic Realism stuff), Dom DeLillo, Lester Bangs (and other music criticism), allen ginsberg (and other Beat poetry). lots of Eastern poetry & philosophy. but in recent years, most of what i has been historical, sociological, political....the obvious 'classic', "a people's history of the united states" by Zinn, is a favorite. so are "corporation nation" by Charles Derber, "makes me wanna holler" by Nathan McCall, "one palestine, complete" by Tom Segev & others by Jean Beaudrillard, Neal Postman & Noam Chomsky.

My Blog

blogs i post when james blackshaw cancels a show at Galeria Zé dos Bois!

   ...and i'm back home with nothing to do      it seems that this week i can't be near a metro stop without seeing or hearing something really bizarre. in general, i've...
Posted by byron daniel on Sun, 11 May 2008 04:38:00 PST

a collection of thoughts, without a theme

THINGS I THINK YOU SHOULD SEE (part 1): The portrait of Osama bin Laden, made completely from teddy bears, by Brazillian artist Marta Neves.THINGS I THINK YOU SHOULD SEE (part 2): "No Country for Old ...
Posted by byron daniel on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 11:53:00 PST

three cheers for ... portuguese governance??? (and im serious)

       i think that anyone that knows me even only in passing (for example, a my space only friend) know at least this much: i'm not a fan of 1) laws that restrict people...
Posted by byron daniel on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 05:14:00 PST

20 Out @ "Wonderland Club", Europa

Had another opportunity to join the incomparable Lady Bambi & Witchell at one of their Wonderland Club parties, behind the wheels of steel (and CD players)....Was completely different this time; t...
Posted by byron daniel on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 04:57:00 PST

6 Out playlist @ "Wonderland Club", Sítio do Cefalopode

Well, after a half dozen or so gigs down on the "South Shore" (Barreiro) with my friends, i finally made my "proper Lisboa debut". and what better way to break out onto the scene then with the good pe...
Posted by byron daniel on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 05:50:00 PST

my 1 week of holidays in "os Açores"

i finally had a proper holiday here in Portugal, and we went to the Azores (5-12 August) LAPAS!!! we visited three islands, the ones that my mother knows, Faial, Pico and Terçeira. I'll describe each ...
Posted by byron daniel on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 12:30:00 PST

6 Junho playlist for Alburrica gig (Barreiro)

       Mr. King Kreeoleene and I returned to the place where we did our first gig together - the newly remodelled Alburrica! I really liked the two new people running the...
Posted by byron daniel on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 05:09:00 PST

13 Abril gig @ Carvoaria. playlist here, photos over there!

     spun some discs, compact and VINYL (finally!) format, the other night... still down of the river, in Barreiro .... but i think it's leading to more outside of the south side o...
Posted by byron daniel on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 05:31:00 PST

This blog has no title, but it has three parts

LEBANON: At least on the internet and in the Portuguese news, this hasn't become a big story. It hardly gets a mention, compared with daily barrage of news coming out of Iraq. However, it's well-worth...
Posted by byron daniel on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 09:23:00 PST

My current My Space annoyance/My Space vs. TV

      I've read a lot of My Space profiles. I don't know if I've read more than the average, or less, but it seems like a lot. And there is one thing that I've seen a lot of t...
Posted by byron daniel on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 10:19:00 PST