phreeman profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

It came down to the day when crimson and floyd were on the tweek.The jellys running through our vains.The fire ants eating ass as he was tearing off his clothes moving quite fast through the field. Freaked at everything when cackeling in the woods seemed to make reality far off in the distance not to be grasped anytime soon.It makes me wonder why anyone would eat mothes to gell in the woods,is it the taste of the blood,the metors in the sky the weaping willows.When normalization kicked in, the rush of chaos had to be again with alittle help from a friend as your body melted to a blob and the sky fell wondering if life would ever be the same. About Me: Im a welder/metal fabricater of ten years and counting,lookin for a career move, you can only breath so much toxic shit.Im a single father of a beautifull boy whom we like to call EJ hes just like dad he likes to fish but mainly just throw rocks in the streams and lounges around and takes in the fresh air, minus the beer drinking.I like to dance and get high off music, its a beautifull thing and when i get the chance I travel to see bands,been doin it on and off for ten years with my best of friends some living some dead - god rest thier souls I try to be an active person in the spring,summer and fall and a bum in the winter. Have to rest my bones sometime.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

scumbags,trash talkers,jocks,the dirtyest people alive,people who give my pc viruses,chicks who would like to give me viruses,ballers,pimps,junkies,bums,cocksuckers,whores and if you fit into several of these catagories then of course you.

My Blog

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Posted by on Thu, 05 Mar 2009 19:31:00 GMT