Good person who's always on the go making moves to build my Media company. i hate to say where I am from lets just say New York for now and next the world. I am not going to say much more but if you need a Media company that on some next Level S@#%! then KJMM is where you should be at.********************KJMM multimedia, LLC
We are a multimedia company utilizing creative concepts in marketing to bring forth a unique brand of music and video experiences to technology savvy, diversified and ever changing community. K.J.M.M. is a music & video company that will operate through radio, T.V., Internet, retail and street campaigns in the U.S. and Europe. We will target the 18-34 demographic to insure sales and compete with other companies. We specialize in unique financial planning, marketing, promotions and production. We practice spending less or the same as other independent or major record and production companies. We will increase revenue by distributing our own products. We use such tools as telemarketing and cross marketing to get our product promoted. Our relationships will guarantee our presence as a new company. K.J.M.M. will provide different avenues for consumers to purchase our products, aside from the conventional retail store. Consumers will be able to purchase K.J.M.M. products on the internet, mail order, ring tones, itunes, bookstores, coffee shops and all other new exciting technologies and savvy ways as they come into play. We want K.J.M.M. to be a household name and to be competitive in the ever-growing entertainment world. With K.J.M.M. we will offer editing services for formats like Mini DV, DVCAM, and DVD monster.
Our entire project is edit on Final Cut Pro HD by using apple system.
We also optimize 1 to 1 (non-compressed) video, SDI and 3D.
We also excel in sound design as well as graphics creation and portfolio scanning.
We take special pride in providing our clients with a comfortable work
Atmosphere where we make every effort in helping you achieve your vision.
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