I hate trying to come up with this stuff so if you know me, you don't need to read this and if you don't...talk to me! I'm very friendly...most of the time.
...Pretty MySpace Codes
Music, Dance, Reading,Traveling MySpace Codes
As many people as I can in this lifetime. MySpace Codes
I love just about everything I will say I never really got into rap and R&B. MySpace Codes
A Walk to Remember, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, The chronicles of Narnia, Pride and Prejudice, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Most chick flicks and fantansy. MySpace Codes
Charmed, American Idol, Style. MySpace Codes
Harry Potter, Angels and Demons, The DaVinci Code, Deception Point,Pride and Prejudice, My Sisters Keeper,All the Nora Roberts Trilogies. MySpace Codes
Pat Benetar.