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About Me

Hear shom 2009 live at the cosmic puffin, if you like what you hear you can buy it on lossless cd when you come and see us over the summer for £5...many, many thanks to vinny,kev bubble, kev nukli and si choonz for making it happen xxxxxxxxspecial thanks to pete wibrew xx (bootleg extrodinare)MyGen Profile GeneratorSHOM MERCHANDISE NOW AVAILABLE @LOVE, PEACE AND LIGHT TO ALL ....xxxXXX

the list of rainbow friends is ever growing.XXXXX

the easternhaze 2006 set can now be heard at the infamous pete wibrew's myspace :::

My Interests


Member Since: 01/02/2006
Band Members: cosmic puffin lineup---mick shom - guitar---- chute - drums---- vinny shillito (ozric tentacles) - bass guitar---- kev ellis (bubbledubble) - vox/synth---- kev hegan (nukli) - synth
Record Label:
Type of Label: Indie

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