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"Bumping Bass & Percussion"

About Me

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BlackS.P.O.T.(Black Southern Producer On Top) is the name of my music production. I go by Clown or Clown Dawg. I was born and raised in Little Rock,AR. I'm a producer/writer/a&r/manager/ceo. Basically I like doing anything in the entertainment business. I was the one always making beats with my mouth or beating the table at school. I got serious in junior high when I joined the band. I later joined the famous Little Rock Central High Marching Band. I was given a yamaha keyboard for my 16th birthday. It's been on ever since! I am a 3rd Degree Black Belt in the ATA(American Taekwondo Association)! I've been doing martial arts for 13 yrs. I've been inducted into the World Martial Arts Hall Of Fame! Don't mess with me man!I'm also in the Army Reserve! I enlisted in the Army May 13th, 2002. Since then I've served in Mosul, Iraq in 2003-2004 for 13 months. I'm a automated logistical specialist aka supply clerk for the motor pool. I'm currently training in Ft. Bragg, NC to go back to Iraq. I know crazy huh? Hopefully the democrats get in office and pull us out! That's reaching for the stars! Please pray for me and my unit and continue to support the troops! To find out anything else just holla @ ya boy!

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Member Since: 1/31/2006
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Influences: Timbaland, Kanye West, Dr. Dre, Outkast, James Brown, Russell Simmons.
Sounds Like: Some of everybodies music. I'm the Music Melting Pot.

Record Label: BLACKS.P.O.T. Productions
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

A Little More Substanance?

Since we trying to bring the youth up differently what do u think about the chamillionaire approach as far as rapping? Example where he raps about current events instead of money, cars, and hoes. I me...
Posted by BlackS.P.O.T. on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 11:38:00 PST

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Do U like Me?...
Posted by BlackS.P.O.T. on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 01:10:00 PST

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Do U like Me?...
Posted by BlackS.P.O.T. on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 11:20:00 PST

New Shit! New Shit!

Wassup Myspace! Dis ya boy Clown Dawg checking in all da way from Iraq! No matter where I'm @ I keep new music coming out! We Mobile Baby! Checkout some songs I produced for some artist on their pages...
Posted by BlackS.P.O.T. on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 12:20:00 PST

Playing Da Hand I Was Dealt!!!!

Wassup Myspace! Dis ya boy Clooowwn Daaawwg repping A-State to da fullest! As some of u may know I'm a Iraq veteran who's getting ready to go back ova for da second time! Some luck huh? I'm in Ft. Bra...
Posted by BlackS.P.O.T. on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 06:39:00 PST


Wassup Myspace Artists! I need your help to make my Beat Junkies Mixtape Series a go! If ya'll could do some drops for it dat would help me out extremly! U just need to include me Clown Dawg and the n...
Posted by BlackS.P.O.T. on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 06:04:00 PST


Wassup Ya'll! Dis ya boy Clown Dawg! I writing to let ya'll know it's chrunch time!!! If u have hot singles,exclusives, or mixtape songs email them to ASAP. I'm finna go into ove...
Posted by BlackS.P.O.T. on Tue, 23 May 2006 12:32:00 PST

All My Djs

Wassup dis ya boy Clown Dawg! If any of ya'll are doing mixtapes and need some hot tracks from da AR of just need some exclusive shit in general hit me up. And if u have any exclusive hot tracks that ...
Posted by BlackS.P.O.T. on Tue, 09 May 2006 01:40:00 PST